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Immigration and Asylum

Stay Informed on Haiti’s Human Rights Conditions

IJDH’s bi-annual Human Rights Updates provide critical analysis of the evolving human rights situation in Haiti. These reports are widely used by journalists, international nonprofit organizations, and asylum lawyers, offering up-to-date country condition information.

Three Suggestions for Haitians Given the New Trump Administration (January 23, 2025)

Trump has threatened to deport millions of immigrants but lacks the resources to do so, so people should definitely not panic, but three general suggestions seem wise. First, it would be wise to know your basic legal rights (see next paragraph). Secondly, unless you have some form of permanent legal status in the United States, it would be wise to promptly, as soon as possible, consult a competent and experienced legal services or private attorney to review your immigration situation and possible legal options. Find legal advice near where you live. Thirdly, if you have dependents, it always makes sense to have a plan for their welfare just in case something happens to you.

First, although Trump lacks the resources for wide-scale ICE raids on workplaces and homes, ICE will do some and they will get headlines, so it would be wise to know what your rights are just in case you encounter an ICE agent. If you do, you have the legal rights 1) to remain silent, 2) to consult an attorney immediately, and, importantly, 3) not to sign anything! See this excellent compendium of resources on this subject going into much more detail.1

Secondly, unless you have some form of permanent legal status, you would be wise to consult an experienced and competent immigration attorney as soon as possible about any forms of immigration relief which may be appropriate for you, whether the attorney is in private practice or at one of the many established agencies like Catholic Charities Legal Services and the many others which provide competent legal advice for free or at low-cost. (Definitely avoid scam artists who will take your money, aren’t authorized to give legal advice, and may file bad applications or give you wrong legal advice which may permanently damage your legal rights!) Find legal advice near where you live.

Thirdly, it’s always wise for anyone, whether a U.S. citizen or immigrant, to plan for who will be legally responsible for their minor children and/or other dependents if they are incapacitated due to a bad accident, illness, death, or by their possible deportation.2 Ask for advice and explore available options in your city and state.

1.If ICE questions you, for example, you can remain silent; you are not required to give your address, your home country, or (in many states) even your name; you don’t have to open the door, etc

2. In addition to exploring the various legal options which vary from state to state, you can prepare a list of emergency phone numbers; let your children’s school know who can pick them up in case you’re not able to do so; etc.

Questions may be addressed to Steve Forester, Immigration Policy Coordinator, IJDH steveforester@aol.com.

Email is preferred, but you may also try texting at 786 877 6999.  Please be sure to identify yourself.

Download or print statement here.

DHS Redesignates Haiti for TPS (December 5, 2022)

IJDH applauds Secretary Mayorkas’s December 5 announcement that DHS will redesignate Haiti for TPS, an announcement which recognizes that current conditions in Haiti make it impossible for the United States to safely deport people there now.  See here and the DHS announcement here.

Eventually eligible to apply under redesignation will be Haitians, and only those Haitians, who have been in the United States since at least November 6 or earlier.  No one not already in the United States by November 6 will be eligible.

And no one can apply yet, even if they arrived before November 6, because DHS must first publish a Federal Register notice outlining application procedures.  As the DHS announcement states, “A soon-to-be-published Federal Register notice will explain the eligibility criteria, timelines, and procedures necessary for current beneficiaries to re-register and renew Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) and for new applicants to submit an initial application under the redesignation and apply for an EAD.”

DHS is not expected to publish the Federal Register notice for many weeks or even a few months.  (Last year, it took about three months for them to publish the  notice.)

Haitians in the community should therefore beware of unscrupulous practitioners saying they can apply for them now.  They cannot do so!

For more, read our full statement here.

USCIS Automatically Extends the Validity of Haitian TPS and Work Permit Documents Through December 31, 2022 — And Information for Haitians Who Think They May Qualify for TPS Under the August 3, 2021 Haiti TPS Redesignation

USCIS on August 3, 2021 redesignated the country of Haiti for TPS for an 18 month period by publishing a notice in the Federal Register, the government’s official publication.  Under the Federal Register Notice (FRN), Haitians who think they may be eligible for TPS have until February 3, 2023 in which to apply for it.  To qualify, among other requirements, Haitians must have already been living in the United States on July 29, 2021.  If you think you may qualify, you are strongly advised to consult a competent and experienced immigration attorney for advice before filing an application to make sure that applying is a wise course of action for you given the facts of your own individual case.  (And watch out for unscrupulous persons in the community who are unauthorized to practice law and who may take your money and actually badly harm your case.)

Although the August 3 FRN gives Haitians 18 months (to February 3, 2023) to apply for TPS and also for a work permit if they want one, Haitians may wish to apply sooner in the process rather than later.

Haitians who got TPS after the 2010 earthquake and are protected by the agreement in the Ramos federal court litigation have a new and important additional protection.  On September 10, 2021, USCIS published a new FRN once again automatically extending the validity of their TPS and work permit documents, this time through December 31, 2022.  (“DHS is automatically extending the validity of TPS-related documentation for beneficiaries under the TPS designations for El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Sudan, Honduras, and Nepal through December 31, 2022….”)

This is the fifth such FRN pursuant to the agreement in Ramos automatically extending the validity of their documentation, and like all FRNs, it has the force of law.  Employers and Departments of Motor Vehicles must honor those TPS and work permit documents as valid through December 31, 2022, regardless of the actual date on them.  Any Haitian who currently has TPS does not need to do anything at all or to pay any money or fee at all to enjoy this protection, although as explained below they may wish to file an application for work authorization sooner rather than later under the new August 3 Haiti TPS redesignation FRN.

This is because no further automatic extension beyond December 31, 2022 is expected and, importantly, because there is a seven to eleven month (or even longer!) backlog in adjudicating and approving work permit applications!  This means that even though the work permits of Haitians who already have TPS have been automatically extended and will remain valid through December 31, 2022 per the September 10, 2021 FRN, those Haitians who do not also apply for a new work permit document well in advance of December 31, 2022 may find themselves on that date without work authorization!  To avoid that risk, and the risk of possibly losing their jobs or driving privileges, Haitians who currently have TPS and work authorization under the 2010 designation and the agreement in Ramos may wish to apply for TPS sooner rather than later during the new TPS redesignation application period which began on August 3.

Those Haitians who do not currently have TPS but who think they may qualify under the new August 3 Haiti TPS redesignation because, among other eligibility requirements, they were already physically present in the United States on or before July 29, 2021, are strongly urged to consult a competent and experienced immigration attorney to see if they should apply.  Because of the backlog of seven to eleven months or even longer in adjudicating work permit applications described in the preceding paragraph, they may wish to apply not only for TPS but also, if desired, for a work permit sooner rather than later during the 18 month application period.

For questions about any of this or possible referrals, please feel free to contact IJDH immigration policy coordinator Steve Forester at steveforester@aol.com or 786 877 6999.

Redesignation of Haiti for TPS on August 3, 2021

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on August 3, 2021 redesignated Haiti for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for a period of 18 months, by publishing a Federal Register Notice (FRN).  To be eligible to apply for TPS, Haitians, among other requirements, must have been and remained physically present in the United States continuously since on or before July 29, 2021.  (No one who arrived in the United States after July 29, 2021 is eligible.)  Haitians who think they may be eligible for TPS may file an application, and an application for a work permit, anytime from today through February 3, 2023, a full 18 months.
TPS has many eligibility requirements.  So it is extremely important for Haitians who think they may be eligible to apply to consult a competent and experienced immigration attorney in your area before filling out the TPS application form!
If you need help locating a competent and experienced immigration attorney in your area to help you, please feel free to contact IJDH’s immigration policy coordinator, Steve Forester (steveforester@aol.com, 786 877 6999), and we will try to give you some leads.  Please also feel free to call with any questions.


If you are a Haitian with currently valid TPS, your TPS documents are remain legally valid through October 4, 2021.  Employers and state DMVs must honor them as legally valid through that date.  This is because on December 9, 2020, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”), as it has done three times previously, published a new Federal Register Notice (“the Notice”) automatically extending the validity of your TPS documentation, this time through October 4, 2021.
The Federal Register is the official publication of the U.S. Government; its notices have the force of law.  Importantly, no one with TPS needs to file, do, or pay anything at all, to anyone, to benefit from this extension, which is automatic!  Again, Haitians with TPS do NOT need to re-register; they do not need to file anything at all.  Just inform your employer or the DMV about this new Federal Register Notice!
As the Notice states, “DHS is automatically extending the validity of TPS-related documentation for beneficiaries under the TPS designations for El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Sudan, Honduras, and Nepal for nine months through October 4, 2021, from the current expiration date of January 4, 2021.”
USCIS published this Notice to meet its legal obligations under two federal court cases, as the Notice states in its “Summary.”
For more information, or if you need help explaining this automatic extension to your employer, please contact Steve Forester, IJDH Immigration Policy Coordinator, steveforester@aol.com, 786 877 6999.
(Separately, if you are a Haitian who used to have TPS, but who no longer has it because, in 2017 or 2018, you did not re-register for it under President Trump, you may be able to re-register for it for good cause.  If this applies to you, you are strongly advised to consult an attorney who is competent and experienced in immigration law, about whether or not trying to re-register for TPS would or would not be wise for you, since each person’s legal situation is different.  Feel free to contact Mr. Forester at the contact information given above if you have any questions about this.  But again, if you had TPS in the past but didn’t re-register for it under Trump, you are strongly advised to consult an attorney competent and experienced in immigration law to check whether trying to re-register for TPS now might or might not be possible and advisable for you.)
PDF Version here.

Previous TPS Extension: Haiti TPS Documents Now Automatically Valid to January, 4, 2021 by Operation of Law

On November 4, 2019, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) published a new Federal Register Notice (“FRN”), extending the validity of Haiti TPS work permits and documents again, this time to January 4, 2021.
The Federal Register is the U.S. Government’s official publication; its notices have the force of law.  Importantly, no Haitian with TPS needs to pay or do anything to benefit from this extension, which is automatic.  You do NOT need to re-register or file anything; just inform your employer or the DMV about this new FRN.
As it states, “DHS is automatically extending the validity of TPS-related documentation for beneficiaries under the TPS designations for El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Sudan, as specified in this notice. Such TPS-related documentation will remain in effect through January 4, 2021, from the current expiration dates of [January 2, 2020.]”
As with USCIS’s similar FRNs of October 31, 2018 and March 1, 2019, it published this one to comply with its legal obligations.  See USCIS’s thorough explanation at Update on Ramos v. Nielsen.
For more information, contact Steve Forester, IJDH Immigration Policy Coordinator, steveforester@aol.com, 786 877 6999
(Importantly, the U.S. Government also agreed in Ramos that those Haitians who used to have TPS, but who no longer have it because they didn’t re-register for it in 2017 or 2018, may now be able to successfully re-register for it for good cause!  Anyone to whom this applies is advised to consult a competent attorney experienced in immigration law about whether re-registering would or would not be wise for you, since each person’s legal situation is different.  But, if you had TPS but didn’t re-register under Trump, you are strongly advised to consult an experienced attorney to see if re-registering for TPS now may be possible for you!)


DHS Distorts Law and Precedent to Ignore Glaring Facts on Haiti

DHS on November 20 terminated Haiti TPS effective July 22, 2019, erroneously saying that Haiti had recovered from the January 2010 earthquake.  In doing so, it contradicted its own May 24 Federal Register rationale, in which it cited the cholera epidemic and Hurricane Matthew as justifications for extending TPS for six months, by erroneously stating it could not consider those two massive catastrophes in making its decision.  This inconsistency betrayed the White House’s anti-immigrant ideological agenda since any honest assessment of conditions would have mandated an 18-month extension.  (No one should be fooled by the 18-month grace period, an attempt to sugar coat an unlawful result.)
DHS’s decision ignored extensive recent editorial and bipartisan political support for an 18-month extension — editorial boards urged extension 20 times since the Spring, for example — and has been roundly condemned.
Four bills are pending in Congress which would enable Haitians with TPS to become permanent residents, although prospects are slim under the current Congress; litigation is also contemplated.
DHS on January 18 published a Federal Register notice automatically extending recipients’ work permits to July 21 and giving to March 19 to re-register. The notice’s unconscionable lateness, just four days before the expiration of documents, led to uncertainty, expired drivers’ licenses, and scams; it coincided with Haiti’s removal from the list of countries whose nationals may receive low-skilled workers visas. IJDH’s work remains important to protecting Haitian families from unjust immigration policies.
See also ReliefWeb; UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA); Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) Haiti page; Food Insecurity after Hurricane Matthew, and Cholera Accountability.


Exclusive: State Department officials warned Trump not to revoke protections for immigrants, Nicole Narea, Vox, November 7, 2019
A Trial on Whether Trump Has the Right to End TPS for Haiti ends. Now comes the wait., Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald, January 11, 2019
Last Day Of Haiti TPS Trial: Issues In Haiti Were There Before Earthquake, Trump Lawyers Argue, Naiesha Rose, Haitians Times, January 11, 2019
Day 3 of TPS Trial: Haiti Expert Accused of Bias, Naeisha Rose, Haitian Times, January 10, 2019
Day 2 Of Haiti TPS Trial: Accuracy Of Earthquake Devastation Questioned, Naiesha Rose, Haitian Times, January 9, 2019
Day 1 Of Haiti TPS Trial: Trump Administration Attempts To Dismiss TPS Defense Witnesses, Haitian Times, Naeisha Rose, January 8, 2019
Trial to Begin in Fight to Challenge Trump Haiti TPS Decision“, by Naeisha Rose, Haitian Times, January 4, 2019
Haitian Immigrants and Allies Decry Trump Termination of TPS at Opening of Federal Trial“, Press Release: National Immigration Project, IJDH, 32BJ SEIU, January 4, 2019


On Monday, January 7, Attend the Trial in Brooklyn Against Trump for Racism Against Haitians!“, IJDH, December 28, 2018
Haiti TPS Extended to January 2020: Latest Developments on Haiti TPS“, IJDH, November 9, 2018
Flee or hide: Haitian immigrants face difficult decisions under Trump, Alexandra Villarreal, The Guardian, October 30, 2018

Ex-DHS analyst linked to white nationalists attended White House policy meetings: Report,” by Andrew Blake, Washington Times, August 31, 2018
Homeland Security staffer with white nationalist ties attended White House policy meetings,” by Nick Miroff, Washington Post, August 30, 2018
Emails Link Former Homeland Security Official to White Nationalists The emails show Ian M. Smith, who has resigned his position, to be connected to an incognito social scene that included white-nationalist activists.,” by Rosie Gray, The Atlantic,  August 28, 2018
“Ending TPS for Haitians was unlawful — and racist, too”, by Ellie Happel, Miami Herald, August 22, 2018
111 in Congress (27 US Senators, 84 Reps) Demand TPS Reinstatement for Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras in letter to Secretary Pompeo, August 2, 2018
FOIA Documents Reveals Trump’s Search For Pretext Against Haitians The decision to deny TPS status to Haitians was marred by Trumpian bigotry,” by Elie Mystal, Above the Law, May 18, 2018
Trump Administration Sought Negative Information on Haitians,” WNYC News, May 16, 2018
12 US Senators Question “deeply troubling and potentially politically motivated” decision to terminate Haiti TPS, May 8, 2018
Trump admin documents reveal officials knew conditions in Haiti remained dire, but ended TPS anyway,” by Gabe Ortiz, Daily Kos, April 18, 2018
Haitians with TPS help fuel Haiti’s economy, one wire transfer at a time,” by Renata Sago, Marketplace, April 17, 2018
Secret Document Shows Trump Administration Lied to Deport Haitian TPS Holders,” by Frank Sharry, Black Star News, April 17, 2018
DHS decision to end Haitian immigrant protections questioned,” by Tal Kopan, CNN, April 17, 2018
Internal Trump administration documents appear to contradict decision to end humanitarian program for Haiti,” by Geneva Sands, ABC, April 17, 2018
DHS says post-quake Haiti has made ‘significant progress.’ But TPS report says otherwise,” by Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald, April 17, 2018
Haitian TPS Recipients Remain In Limbo,” by Coralie St. Louis, The Haitian Times, March 20, 2018
Haiti: They Call It Canaan,” by Jacob Kushner, VQR Online, April 14, 2017
Oakland City Council Passed Resolution Calling on the Federal Government to Extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for All Nations Currently Under the Program, and to Establish a Pathway to Permanent Residency for Current Beneficiaries,” March 18, 2018
Many in Orlando’s tourism industry fear Haitian, Salvadoran deportations” by Paul Brinkmann, Orlando Sentinel, March 16, 2018
Haitians in South Florida, New York latest to sue Trump over TPS,” by Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald, March 15, 2018
Haitians sue Trump administration over immigration policy,” by Jennifer Kay, Associated Press (in Washington Post) (versions appeared in Bloomberg Politics, TPM, et al; see
Haitian immigrants sue Trump over immigration policy,” by Rebecca Savransky, The Hill
Trump Sued (Again) Over Temporary Protected Status For Haitian Refugees People from s***hole countries strike back,” by Elie Mystal, Above The Law,  Match 15, 2018
“FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New Lawsuit Alleges TPS Denial Unlawful,” March 14, 2018
Haiti U.N. protest continues as government cancels participation in cholera meeting,” by Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald, February 28, 2018
Ten Republican US Reps Urge House Speaker Ryan to Quickly Bring Legislation to the Floor to Protect TPS Beneficiaries,” January 12, 2018
Haitian and Salvadoran TPS holders sue Trump administration,” by Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald, February 22, 2018
Lawsuit: Trump’s ending immigrant program racially motivated,” Associated Press, February 22
With deportation looming, Haitian workers highlight their role in Florida’s tourism industry” by Renata Sago, Marketplace, February 20, 2018
Haiti braces for mass return of migrants from US” (12-minute video, includes  interviews with a TPS recipient, repatriatees at the DRepublic border, others re Haiti’s unpreparedness to receive TPS returnees, and (from minute 6:30) excellent Haiti-TPS-termination discussion with University of Reading Prof. Rosa Freedman, e.g. re hard choices Haiti TPS families with US-born children will face when TPS ends), France24, February 07, 2018
NAACP Legal Defense Fund sues over Trump’s decision to rescind protected status for Haitians,” by Yamiche Alcindor, PBS Newshour, January 24, 2018
NAACP sues Homeland Security on behalf of Haitians, cites Trump’s Public Hostility, by Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald, January 24, 2018
NAACP Sues Trump Administration Over Ending Protected Status For Haitians,” NPR, January 25, 2018
NAACP Sues Homeland Security Over Haitian TPS, Voice of America, January 25, 2018
NAACP sues DHS over protections for Haitian immigrants, The Hill, January 25, 2018
Op-ed, “Haitians are used to insults. Friday, we mourned. Today, we fight.,” by Edwidge Danticat, Miami Herald, January 12, 2018
IJDH Statement of Solidarity With the Haitian People and Condemnation of President’s White Supremacist Remarks,” January 12, 2018
A Senior Republican Senator Admonishes Trump: ‘America Is an Idea, Not a Race’,” by Julie Hirschfeld Davis, New York Times, January 12, 2018
South Florida fights back against Trump comments,” by Alan Gomez, USA Today, January 12
Trump called Haiti a ‘shithole’ country — now South Florida lawmakers are not holding back,” by Monique O. Madan, Miami Herald, January 12, 2018
‘Don’t Feed the Troll’: Much of the World Reacts in Anger at Trump’s Insult,” by Jina Moore and Catherine Porter, New York Times, January 12, 2018
Trump Alarms Lawmakers With Disparaging Words for Haiti and Africa,” by Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Thomas Kaplan, New York Times, January 11, 2018


Column,  “No, President Trump, we Haitians don’t all have AIDS,” by Joel Dreyfuss, Washington Post, December 28, 2017
“On 214th anniversary of Haiti’s freedom, Haitians tell Trump #Neveragain,” by Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald, December 30, 2017
DHS Distorts Law and Precedent to Ignore Glaring Facts on Haiti TPS, November 21, 2017
Editorial, “Why the Haitians Should Stay – These longstanding residents are valuable assets to the U.S.,” Wall Street Journal editorial board, December 27, 2017
Stripped Of TPS, Haitians Look To Other Options,” by Betsy Abraham, Westbury Times, December 5, 2017
Editorial: “Trump Has Let Down More Than 50,000 Haitians in America,” New York Daily News Editorial Board, November 23, 2017
“Trump’s visit to Florida met with protests over immigration decision for Haitians,” by  Jacqueline Charles, Julie K. Brown and Lance Dixon, Miami Herald, November 22, 2017
Editorial, “Haiti TPS: The United States torments its poorest neighbor,Washington Post editorial board, November 21, 2017
Editorial, “Congress must step up and help Haitian, Central American TPS recipients,Miami Herald editorial board, November 21, 2017
Column, “Abject cruelty: Deporting 60,000 Haitians,” by Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post, November 21, 2017
Legal Experts Request Extensions of Temporary Protected Status for Haiti and El Salvador,” November 20, 2017
Editorial: “Deporting 50,000 Haitians would hurt both Haiti and the United States,” Orlando Sentinel editorial board, November 17, 2017
“Ten members of Florida’s congressional delegation — U.S. Senators Nelson and Rubio joined by U.S. Reps. Deutch, Diaz-Balart, Curbelo, Frankel, Hastings, Ros-Lehtinen, Wasserman Schultz, and Frederica Wilson wrote Acting DHS Secretary Duke strongly urging a full 18-month extension of Haiti’s TPS designation,“November 17, 2017
138 Organizations and Individuals Serving the Haitian American Community Urge President Trump to Extend Haiti’s TPS designation for 18 Months,” November 17, 2017
The National Haitian American Elected Officials Network (NHAEON) Urges 18 Month Extension of Haiti’s TPS Designation,” November 15, 2017
Editorial: “Acting DHS chief should extend protections for Haitians,” Palm Beach Post editorial board, November 15, 2017
117 Haitian American Faith Leaders Request Redesignation and 18-Month Haiti TPS Extension,” November 16 2017
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker Urges DHS Acting Secretary Elaine Duke to protect Haitian TPS-holders,” November 14, 2017
41 Mayors of Major U.S. Cities Urge Secretaries Duke and Tillerson to extend Haiti’s TPS designation for 18 months,” November 10, 2017
Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Passes Resolution Unanimously Urging 18-month Haiti TPS extension”, November 7, 2017
President Trump campaigned as Haiti’s greatest champion. Then Hurricane Matthew struck. 50,000 Haitians with TPS are counting on him to keep his promise.
Haiti’s Ongoing Road to Recovery: The Necessity of an Extension of Temporary Protected,” Report of the Committee on Migration, US Conference of Catholic Bishops, November 2017; Chairman Most Rev. Joe S. Vásquez’s cover letter, November 9
Editorial, “Let TPS recipients stay and give them a pathway to become permanent residents,Miami Herald  editorial  board, November 7, 2017
Experts Call State Department’s Haiti TPS Assessment Divorced From Reality, November 6
All 49 Congressional Black Caucus members urge DHS Acting Secretary Duke to extend Haiti’s TPS designation, November 3, 2017
Op-Ed, “The Time for TPS IS Now” by Cardinal Sean O’MalIey, Pilot, November 03, 2017
Protecting families, stabilizing the region: Why Temporary Protected Status is needed for Haiti”, 30-page CLINIC report and press release, November 2, 2017
US Senators Schumer, Gillibrand, Booker, and Menendez Write Secretaries Tillerson and Duke Urging 18 Months’ Extension of Haiti’s TPS Designation,” October 31, 2017
Bipartisan Bill Introduced to Enable Haitian and Certain Other TPS Holders to Become Legal Permanent Residents,” October 31, 2017
US Rep. Mia Love Urges Acting DHS Secretary Duke to Extend Haiti TPS for 18 Months,” October 27, 2017
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Urges DHS to Extend TPS for Haitians and Others for Detailed Reasons Affecting U.S Economy,” October 26, 2017 October 26, 2017
Extraordinary Conditions: A Statutory Analysis of Haiti’s Qualification for TPS,” Global Justice Clinic, NYU School of Law, October 26, 2017 (37-page report); Clinic’s press release
Principal African-American Christian Communions’ Presidents Urge President Trump to Extend Haiti’s TPS Designation by 18 Months, October 24, 2017
U.S. Senators Markey, Warren and the Entire Massachusetts Congressional Delegation Write Secretaries Tillerson and Duke Urging 18-Month TPS Extension for Haiti,” October 19, 2017
Philadelphia City Council Urges 18-Month Extension of Haiti’s TPS Designation, October 19, 2017
Editorial, “Haitians still need protections from US,” Boston Globe editorial board, October 12, 2017
Haiti requests 18-month TPS extension from Trump administration,” Miami Herald, October 9, 2017; Haitian Ambassador Altidor’s letter to Acting DHS Secretary Duke
“Miami Date County Commission Unanimously Urges 18-Month Extension of Haiti’s TPS Designation, October 3, 2017
State Senator Campbell introduces Haiti TPS extension bill and writes Pres. Trump for third time seeking meeting,” October 19, 2017
“US Senators Rubio and Nelson and 8 US Reps from Florida Urge Acting DHS Secretary Duke to Extend Haiti’s TPS Designation for 18 Months,” September 18, 2017
Broward County Commission Adopts Resolution Urging 18-Month Extension of Haiti’s TPS Designation,” September 14, 2017
U.S. Senator Bill Nelson Writes DHS Acting Secretary Duke Urging 18-month Extension of Haiti TPS,” August 24, 2017
“City of North Miami Unanimously Passes Resolution Urging 18-month Extension of Haiti’s TPS Designation,” August 22, 2017
US Rep. Carlos Curbelo seeks more permanent solution for Haitian families living under TPS,” Channel 10 (ABC affiliate), Miami, FL, August 14, 2017
Pour le renouvellement du TPS, le gouvernement [haïtien] mobilise la grosse artillerie…” par Robinson Alphonse, Le Nouvelliste 08 août, 2017
“The Treatment of Haitian Migrants in Chile: Country Conditions Memo. University of California Hastings College of the Law. Center for Gender & Refugee Studies” 17 June 2021
United States Conference of Mayors Adopts Resolution Urging 18-Month Extension of Haiti’s TPS Designation,” June 26, 2017
Editorial board, “Mr. Trump, don’t send 50,000 Haitians back to a life of hardship,”  Washington Post, June 3, 2017 (reprinted as “Washington Post: White House shouldn’t end Haitians’ TPS,” Omaha World-Herald, June 6, 2017)
How Mobilization Won a Partial Victory on Haiti TPS,” by Steven Forester, The CCR Blog, June 6, 2017
38 Humanitarian and Development Organizations Wrote to DHS Secretary John Kelly With a List of Places to Visit and Experts to see During His 4-Hour-Trip to Haiti, May 30, 2017
Six-month extension for Haitian TPS is not enough,” by U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch and HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield,  Miami Herald, May 25, 2017
Editorial board, “Haitians should not lose TPS status,” Miami Herald, May 23, 2017
Senator Edward Markey Statement on DHS Decision to Extend Temporary Protected Status to Haitians,” May 22, 2017
Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson’s Statement on the Extension of Haiti’s Temporary Protected, Status Designation,” May 22, 2017
AILA: Six-Month Extension of Protection for Haitians Is Not Enough,” May 22, 2017
Editorial board, ” Trump shows some heart: A gracious hand to Haitians,” New York Daily News, May 22, 2017
Trump made a promise to Haitian immigrants. Will he break it and deport them?,” by Karen Attiah, The Washington Post,  May 19, 2017
Editorial board, “An easy call on Haiti for Trump – just heed Florida’s advice,” Orlando Sentinel, May 19, 2017
Don’t split up Haitian families – Extend protected status in U.S.,” op-ed by SEIU Florida State Council President Monica Russo, Orlando Sentinel, May 19, 2017
“Five Senators Tell Secretary Kelly Extension of TPS for Eligible Haitians is the Only Humane Decision: As May 22 deadline approaches, Senators warn that DHS must keep its review within the bounds dictated by Congress,” press release and letter, May 19, and Politico Pro story, May 19, 2017
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Senator Ben Cardin writes Secretaries Tillerson and Kelly urging Haiti TPS Extension, May 18, 2017
130 Organizations and 200 Individuals Serving Haitian Community Urge Extension of Haiti’s TPS Designation, May 18, 2017
Fla. lawmakers, humanitarian groups press Trump to renew TPS for Haitians,” Politico, May 17, 2017
14 U.S. Mayors/County Exec Issue Letter to Secretaries John Kelly and Rex Tillerson Urging the Them to Extend TPS for Haitians, May 17, 2017
U.S. Senator Bill Nelson Personally Urges DHS Sec. John Kelly to Extend Haiti TPS, May 17, 2017
35 refugee and humanitarian organizations write DHS Sec. John Kelly urging Haiti TPS renewal, and Rep. Ted Deutch and humanitarian experts discuss this, May 17, 2017
The City Council Just Took a Stand in Support of Boston’s Haitian Immigrants: They could be sent back unless Trump acts to protect them., Boston Daily, May 17, 2017
Over 550 physicians urge Haiti TPS extension, citing “dire public health circumstances,” May 16, 2017
MA leaders urge TPS extension, May 16, 2017
Editorial board, “The Trump administration is criminalizing Haitian refugees,” The Boston Globe, May 14, 2017
Rick Scott asks Trump administration to extend protection for Haitians,” Tampa Bay Times, May 12, 2017
A Harrowing Turning Point for Haitian Immigrants,” by Edwidge Danticat, The New Yorker, May 12, 2017
Congressional Progressive Caucus leaders oppose Trump administration’s discriminatory targeting of Haitian refugees, May 11, 2017
Boston Mayor Martin Walsh Urges Secretaries John Kelly and Rex Tillerson to Extend Haiti TPS, May 11, 2017
Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Dan Donovan (R, NY) writes Secretaries Kelly and Tillerson urging Haiti TPS extension, May 11, 2017
Editorial board, “Hanging Haitians out to dry,” New York Daily News, May 10, 2017
Editorial board,”Extend protected status for eligible Haitians,” The Palm Beach Post, May 9, 2017
Broward County Commissioners wrote DHS Secretary John Kelly urging him to extend Haiti’s TPS designation,” May 9, 2017
“13 members of New York’s congressional delegation urge extension of TPS for Haitians,” May 5, 2017
“All eleven members of the Massachusetts congressional delegation wrote DHS Secretary Kelly urging him to extend TPS for Haiti for another 18 months,” May 4, 2017
“The President of Haiti and Haiti’s Ambassador to the U.S. urge President Trump to extend TPS for Haitian nationals legally residing in the U.S.,” May 16 and May 8, 2017
L’administration Moïse-Lafontant «favorable au renouvellement du TPS,” Le Nouvellist, May 3, 2017
Congressional Black Caucus asks feds to show ‘compassion’ for Haitians in U.S.,” Miami Herald, May 2, 2017; 47 Congressional Black Caucus members urge DHS Secretary Kelly to extend Haiti TPS
“168 faith-based organizations and 248 faith leaders wrote DHS Secretary Kelly urging him to extend TPS for Haiti,” May 1, 2017
Editorial board, “Don’t Send 50,000 Back to Fragile Haiti,” New York Times, April 29, 2017
16 Senate Democrats, including Minority Leader Schumer and Judiciary and Appropriations ranking members Feinstein and Leahy, wrote a joint letter urging Secretaries Kelly and Tillerson to extend TPS for Haiti, April 26, 2017
Editorial board, “Renew Protected Status for Haitians,” Boston Globe, April 24, 2017
“Florida State Senator Daphne Campbell called for extension of Haitian refugees’ emergency status,” April 24, 2017
NY Pols and Advocates Ask Trump to Let 50,000 Haitians Remain in the United States,” Observer,  April 24, 2017
Editorial board, “The United States may be about to inflict a massive hardship on Haiti,” The Washington Post, April 23, 2017
Haitians fear protected status expiration will lead to deportations,” Sun Sentinel, April 23, 2017 (story and video).
Editorial board, “Let them stay: U.S. must show compassion to threatened Haitians,” New York Daily News, April 22, 2017
Editorial board, “Extend protection for Haitian immigrants – Failing to extend protection for 50,000 Haitians would be disaster for them, their children and those back home,” Sun Sentinel, April 19, 2017
“MA Senator Ed Markey wrote to DHS Secretary Kelly urging extension of TPS,” April 18, 2017
“National Catholic leaders wrote to DHS Secretary Kelly urging an extension of Haiti’s TPS designation,” April 17, 2017
Editorial board, “Extend Temporary Protected Status for eligible Haitians,” Miami Herald, April 16, 2017
“The Municipal Council of the township of Irvington, NJ adopted a Resolution urging President Trump and DHS to extend TPS for at least 18 months,” April 11, 2017
“U.S. Senators Rubio and Nelson of Florida, joined by 8 U.S. Representatives from Florida (3 Republicans and 5 Democrats), wrote to DHS Secretary Kelly urging the extension of TPS for Haitians,” March 24, 2017
“Senators Schumer and Gillibrand of New York wrote to Secretary of State Tillerson and DHS Secretary Kelly urging an expedited extension of TPS for Haitians,” March 24, 2017
“Representative Mia Love wrote to the President urging extension of Haiti’s TPS designation,” March 14, 2017
Congresswoman Yvette Clarke proposed legislation to expand TPS for Haitians,” February 10, 2017
Detailed December 2016 USCIS Assessment that Conditions Warranting TPS Persist, and then U.S. Sec. of State John Kerry, in December 2016 recommendation that Haiti TPS be Extended when it Expires July 22


51 Florida groups and leaders wrote Hillary Clinton urging redesignating TPS and expanding HRFP, among other actions,” October 20, 2016
“Senator Bill Nelson co-sponsored a letter from 12 U.S. Senators urging TPS redesignation in light of Matthew,” October 13, 2016
U.S. Congresswoman Frederica Wilson urged re-designation of TPS and expanding HFRP,” October 13, 2016
U.S. Congressman Alcee Hastings wrote President Obama urging redesignation of TPS,” October 12, 2016
Editorial board, “Haiti’s New Catastrophe,” The New York Times. October 7, 2016