Haiti Is Rocked by Mass Protests Against President
On Rising Up with Sonali, IJDH Founder Brian Concannon discusses the mass protests against Jovenel Moïse. Listen to the full interview here.
On Rising Up with Sonali, IJDH Founder Brian Concannon discusses the mass protests against Jovenel Moïse. Listen to the full interview here.
Originally published in AP News. An excerpt is below. "A warning from a well-known judge in Haiti crackled recently over the radio: "Don't let them arrest you, because you don't…
Originally published by Sam Bojarski in The Haitian Times, featuring IJDH's Alexandra Filippova. "Throughout 2020, human rights groups have raised the alarm about the rise in kidnappings and gang violence…
IJDH Senior Staff Attorney Alexandra Filippova speaks with The Haitian Times on the new trial of FRAPH leader Emmanuel "Toto" Constant. "He can ask for a brand-new proceeding pursuant to…
Op-ed originally published in Miami Herald and authored by Brian Concannon and Mario Joseph. French Version A Haitian prosecutor's order on Wednesday to jail death squad leader Emmanuel Constant is…
Originally published by Jake Johnston, CEPR, May 05, 2020 Please see additional coverage in IJDH Raboteau Portal for more information on Raboteau Massacre Accountability, along with the Boston Globe, Senators…