IJDH’s Alexandra Filippova and Haitian American Advocacy Featured in The New York Times on International Intervention in Haiti

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IJDH’s Alexandra Filippova and the advocacy of the National Haitian American Elected Officials Network (NHAEON) and the Family Action Network Movement (FANM) are featured in The New York Times.

“Haiti’s prime minister, Ariel Henry, had urged the international community to take action a year ago. But human rights advocates who consider Mr. Henry’s appointment illegitimate criticized the move to authorize an outside force as yet another measure by the international community to prop up a corrupt and unelected government.

“‘Historically, interventions haven’t made things better, and historically made things worse,’ said Alexandra Filippova, a senior staff attorney at the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, a legal advocacy group.

“Two leading Haitian American groups, the National Haitian American Elected Officials Network and the Family Action Network Movement, wrote to the Biden administration opposing the Kenya plan for Haiti, saying it will serve to ‘exacerbate its current political crisis to a catastrophic one.'”

Read the full article here.