Watch the recording in the original languages here. Watch the English-language recording here. Watch the Haitian Creole recording here. Watch the YouTube live stream below:
Vèsyon kreyòl anba a.
The Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti (IJDH) is pleased to invite you to attend our webinar in honor of International Women’s Day,
Advancing Women’s Rights in Haiti:
The Fight for Political Participation, Social Equality, and an End to Gender-Based Violence
March 8, 2022 2 – 3:30 p.m. EST
Haiti’s Constitution explicitly guarantees Haitian women equality and representation with respect to political power and decision-making. In spite of this, as documented in a joint Universal Periodic Review submission, Haitian women and girls face discrimination, marginalization, and violence in all aspects of their lives. Insecurity, the pandemic, and recent natural disasters have served to further increase these vulnerabilities and rates of gender-based violence. Violence and harassment are also being deployed to impede Haitian women from advocating for themselves and from claiming positions of leadership and public authority, where women are still profoundly under-represented in Haiti. Yet, this does not stop Haitian women and girls from demanding their equal participation, their safety, and their full rights.
We invite you to join a panel of Haitian women playing leading roles in the fight to confront discrimination and violence on the basis of sex and to promote women’s empowerment in Haiti this International Women’s Day.

Pascale Solages, co-founder and general coordinator of feminist organization Nègès Mawon and member of anticorruption collective Nou Pap Dòmi

Monique Clesca, feminist, pro-democracy and pro-social justice activist, and member of the civil society group Commission to Search for a Haitian Solution to the Crisis (Montana Group)

Marie Kattia Dorestant-Lefruy, staff attorney for the Bureau des Avocats Internationaux (BAI) and one of the leaders of BAI’s Rape Accountability and Prevention Project (RAPP)
The webinar will be moderated by Sasha Filippova, IJDH senior staff attorney leading its gender justice work.
The webinar will be held in English and Haitian Kreyol, with interpretation.
Register here.
Se yon plezi pou Enstiti Jistis ak Demokrasi an Ayiti envite w asiste yon webinar pou fete Jounen Entènasyonal Fanm,
Vanse Dwa Fanm an Ayiti Pi Devan:
Batay pou Patisipasyon Politik, Egalite Sosyal, ak pou Vyolans sou Fanm Kaba
8 mas 2022 2 – 3:30 p.m. lè Pòtoprens
Konstitisyon peyi Dayiti toutaklè bay fanm garanti pou egalite ak reprezantasyon parapò ak pouvwa politik ak kapasite pou pran desizyon. Sepandan, jan sa demontre nan yon dokiman Egzamen Peryodik Inivèsèl, fanm ak tifi ayisyen sibi diskriminasyon, majinalizasyon, ak vyolans nan tout aspè nan lavi yo. Ensekirite, pandemi an ansanm ak dènye katastwòf natirèl yo agrave vilnerabilite sa yo epi ogmante to vyolans lan. Yo sèvi avèk vyolans ak asèlman pou anpeche fanm ayisyen revandike dwa yo epi pou anpeche yo pran pozisyon lidèchip ak otorite piblik, sektè kote pa gen anpil fanm an Ayiti. Men sa pa anpeche fanm ak tifi ayisyen egzije patisipasyon ekitab, sekirite pou fanm yo, ak tout dwa yo.
Nan okazyon Jounen Entènasyonal Fanm sa a, nou envite w asiste yon panèl fanm ayisyen ki lidè nan batay kont diskriminasyon ak vyolans sou fanm epi pou fè otonomi fanm ayisyen vanse.

Pascale Solages, kofondatris ak kowodinatris jeneral òganizasyon feminis Nègès Mawon ak manm kolektif kont koripsyon Nou Pap Dòmi

Monique Clesca, feminis, militan pou demokrasi ak jistis sosyal, ak youn nan manm Komisyon pou yon solisyon ant Ayisyen pou kriz la (Gwoup Montana)

Marie Kattia Dorestant-Lefruy, avoka ki manm estaf Biwo Avoka Entènasyonal Yo (BAI) epi youn nan lidè Proje pou fe Prevensyon e Pini Krim Vyol (RAPP)
Se Sasha Filippova, yon avoka senyò nan Enstiti pou Jistis ak Demokrasi an Ayiti ki antèt pwojè egalite pou fanm yo, ki pral anime webinar sa a.
Webinar la pral fèt an kreyòl ak anglè avèk entèpretasyon.
Enskri la.